Favorite Blogs
Alrighty then... Obviousely, I've just fallen in Love with Laura and Leslie Camacho's Blog! But alas, there ARE others out there, and I'd like to start a sort of "Hall of Fame" for my personal favs. If you'd like yours added to the list, please post it in a comment below, I'll take a look, and if I like it, I'll add it to the official list. Otherwise, I'll either leave your comment "as is" or if I really am offended/put off by your blog, I'll delete the comment as well. Here's the thing: in order to get into this Hall of Fame, your blog HAS to knock my socks off, one way or the other. Just telling me about your grandma's homemade grape-juice won't do it (unless you have a superb way of describing it, of course ;D). So, drum-roll, here are my favs...
Religious/Spiritual/Relatively Clean/Family Friendly:
Art For Jesus
Natsuko37 at DA
Words of Agrippa
Um, Less than "Perfect" yet hilarious, adorable, or otherwise just knocked them socks to China:
The Morning News
Human Writes (Daniel Evans Personal Site)
Dad Gone Mad
More to come as I get a life and actually bother to explore the internet a tad more on my own time ;)
Religious/Spiritual/Relatively Clean/Family Friendly:
Art For Jesus
Natsuko37 at DA
Words of Agrippa
Um, Less than "Perfect" yet hilarious, adorable, or otherwise just knocked them socks to China:
The Morning News
Human Writes (Daniel Evans Personal Site)
Dad Gone Mad
More to come as I get a life and actually bother to explore the internet a tad more on my own time ;)
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